Buy Vehicle in Ouyen
At the time to buy or transfer a vehicle it is very important that the procedure is well organized and it complies with the VicRoads recommendations in order to do it legally.
Buying or transferring an used vehicle.
There are some important steps you cannot miss if you are going to sell or transfer an used vehicle. To comply with the correct identification of both parts, and to complete the vehicle`s transfer form properly it is very important that all parts bring valid ID’s (with photo if possible).
Guideline to sell or transfer an used car:
Step 1.
Before you buy a vehicle, the first step is to check the Vehicle’s registration status. This data is available at the official VicRoads website, or by calling the number 1300 007 777. Once you have checked the current legal situation of the vehicle you can proceed to the next phase.
Step 2.
Complete the Vehicle transfer form, this document is available at the official VicRoads website. In most cases a roadworthy certificate will be required by the VicRoads authority. Please check the VicRoads website to check if any exemption can be applied.
It will be necessary that you possess your VicRoads customer number. This data can be founded in your driver's license or in the latest registration renewal notice.
Step 3.
Buy your vehicle and complete the transfer form correctly. Take your time when filling up this document to avoid any mistakes, bear in mind that this document will have to be uploaded to the system and it must be legible.
Ensure all the data is correct and don't miss any detail. The document must be signed by both parts.
It is highly recommended to fill up a receipt of purchase along with the transfer form. After completing all the paperwork, keep a copy or take a photo of all the documents in order to have a proof of the transaction.
Step 4.
Within the next 14 days after the transaction has been done, inform the VicRoads department of the sale.
The seller of the vehicle must submit the “Notice of disposal” using his/her VicRoads account to inform the VicRoads of the transaction. Once this process has been done, the vehicle will be transferred to the new owner in one day.
On the other side, the buyer must complete the online procedure using his/her VicRoads personal account and must conduct the payment of the fee to finally complete the process. If this process is not completed for both parts within the time period of 14 days, the transaction will be suspended.
Please note that all documents will be requested at this stage, and you will be asked to upload a picture or a PDF document of the transaction paperwork.
Buying a vehicle from a car dealer.
If you are buying a vehicle from a dealer, it will be the dealer's responsibility to keep you informed and accomplish all the paperwork to transfer the vehicle into your name. The seller of the vehicle will only be requested to pay the transfer fee to the dealer and correctly sign all the documents.
It is highly recommended to keep a copy or photo of the signed documents
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