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Renew Registration

For Rego Check in Victoria please, visit the oficial Victorian Roads Website

Registration Renew in Victoria

Every driver must renew their vehicle registration at the VicRoads every year. The VicRoads department will send a notification 6 weeks before the expiration date so the driver never misses the date. It's the drivers own responsibility to keep the home address updated at all times in the VicRoads sistem to prevent missing any type of notification. In the case you have chosen the VicRoads app, the notifications will be sended to you via email.

It's the drivers own responsibility to keep their home address updated at all times in the VicRoads sistem to prevent missing this kind of notification. In the case you have chosen the VicRoads app, the notifications will be sended to you via email.

All registrations are issued for a certain period. The drivers are allowed to change this entering the VIcRoads official website and changing the “Registration period”. This process can be done before proceeding to the payment. All registrations are automatically issued for 12 months, but each driver can change this period for a shorter one, like for 3 or 6 months.

Payment methods.

The VicRoads department gives the drivers all kinds of facilities to renew their vehicle’s registration.

Card payment:

  • Pay online by using myVicRoads account.
  • Pay by phone calling to 1300 086 314.
  • Pay at the Australia Post Office.
  • Pay at the VicRoads customer service center.

Payment using a Cheque:

  • Using BPAY (Reminder: the biller code and account references are available for all drivers on the renewal notification or online at myVicRoads account.
  • You can pay by email sending a cheque among with the renewal notice at: VicRoads, GPO Box 1644, Melbourne VIC 3001.

Cash payment:

  • At the VicRoads customer service near your home.
  • At the Australia Post Office.

Please be reminded that driving a vehicle with an expired registration will lead to expensive police fines (up to $1500).

This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the Victorian Transport Services (VicRoads). Remember that we are never going to solicit any personal information, ID or credentials. The official VicRoads website:

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© 2025 - This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the Victorian Transport Services. The official VicRoads website: